Ayer se cumplieron dos años de los trágicos atentados en Londres, que dieron fin a 52 vidas y a la tranquilidad de una hermosa ciudad...
Londres y yo, días después de los atentados
Vivir los atentados y tener la oportunidad de observarlos detrás de una cámara y un micrófono me enseñó la fragilidad de una estructura que parece tenerlo todo bajo control, y sobre todo aprendí a ver más allá de las cifras. No es lo importante el saldo de 52 víctimas, sino cada una de las 52 vidas que se esfumaron en el metro... lo verdaderamente trágico es la novela inconclusa de esa niña de 24 años que nunca llegó a la oficina... o los padres neozelandeses que se quedaron esperando a su hija que vacacionaba en Europa, pero jamás salió de la Piccadilly Line...
Un poco de este sentimiento lo expresa una rola que se ha vuelto parte importante de mi vida por lo que representa: Trains to Brazil, de los Guillemots, una banda radicada en Londres pero integrada por un inglés, un escocés, un brasileño y un canadiense.
El título de la rola hace alusión a la supuesta responsabilidad de los atentados achacada a un brasileño... Les dejo la letra de la rola, sé que da hueva leerla pero es muy interesante lo que dice... y más interesante sería escucharla, por lo que les recomiendo entrar al MySpace del grupo.
Trains to Brazil
You're feelin old
Its 1 o clock on a friday morning
I'm trying to keep my back from the wall
The prophets and their bombs have had another success
And i'm wondering why we bother at all
And i think of you on cold winter mornings
Darling they remind me of when we were at school...
Nothing really mattered when you called out my name
In fact, nothing really mattered at all...
And i think about how long it will take them to blow us away...
But i won't get me down, I'm just thankful to be facing the day
Cos days don't get you far when you're gone
It's five o clock on a Friday morning
one hundred telephones shake and ring
And one of them is from someone who knew you...
And i still think of you on cold winter mornings
Darling they'll still remind me of when we were at school
When they could never have persuaded me that lives like yours
were the hands of these eronious fools...
And to those of you who moan your lives through one day to the next
Well let them take you next
Cos you live and be thankful you're here
See it could be you tomorrow next year ...
Y ya que estamos en esto, les recomiendo entrar a esta página de la BBC que le da un sentido a la cifra de 52 muertos el 7 de julio del 2005...Guillemots
You're feelin old
Its 1 o clock on a friday morning
I'm trying to keep my back from the wall
The prophets and their bombs have had another success
And i'm wondering why we bother at all
And i think of you on cold winter mornings
Darling they remind me of when we were at school...
Nothing really mattered when you called out my name
In fact, nothing really mattered at all...
And i think about how long it will take them to blow us away...
But i won't get me down, I'm just thankful to be facing the day
Cos days don't get you far when you're gone
It's five o clock on a Friday morning
one hundred telephones shake and ring
And one of them is from someone who knew you...
And i still think of you on cold winter mornings
Darling they'll still remind me of when we were at school
When they could never have persuaded me that lives like yours
were the hands of these eronious fools...
And to those of you who moan your lives through one day to the next
Well let them take you next
Cos you live and be thankful you're here
See it could be you tomorrow next year ...
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